Frequently asked questions

Where should I get measured?
We recommend a well-lit, 6 feet wide area indoors, preferably against a white wall. Make sure furniture and other objects, such as mirrors and pictures, are removed and not seen on screen of your phone.
What is good lighting?
A well-lit area has balanced, even lighting. Avoid direct sunlight and harsh contrast by closing blinds or curtains. Turn on any lights to brighten the area.
How should I position my phone while getting measured?
Once you've found your measurement area, position your phone at knee-to-waist level about 6 feet from where you will be standing. We recommend placing your phone vertically on a chair. The two levels on the screen will turn green once the phone is in the correct position.
Am I able to get measured outdoors?
We do not recommend getting measured outdoors.
I have a beard, can I get measured?
Short beards can be scanned without any special preparation. Long beards that fall to the neck can affect the neck measurement, and should be pinned back so the neck can be measured.
How often can I measure myself?
You can measure yourself as often as you like - you most recent measurements will be used for custom fit recommendations.
Do I need to tie up my hair?
Long hair should be tied up and off the back of the neck. Hair should be tied into a bun to avoid a ponytail hanging down and obscuring the neck and back.
Can I wear my glasses?
You can wear your glasses during measurement, however try to avoid bright reflections off your glasses, or any shiny surface, during scanning.
What should I wear?
For best results, we recommend that you get measured wearing form-fitting briefs or compression clothing in contrasting colour to the wall that you will be standing in front of. You should be barefoot and remove all accessories such as necklaces, bracelets and watches.
Why doesn’t my avatar look like me?
Our measurement captures only your body shape. To provide anonymity, your face is not captured.
What happens to my images?
Your front and side images are uploaded into our processing system to create your avatar. When processing is complete, your images are deleted.
I don't have an internet connection. Can I still get measured?
You will still be able to get measured without an internet connection, however you will not receive your measurements until you are connected. Our mobile app requires an internet connection in order to process and return your results.
Why don’t my measurements match when I use a tape measure?
Factors such as posture placement, compression and breathing will affect your measurements compared to manual tape measurements.
What phone models are supported?
Supported phone models:
iPhone 7 and later.
Android phones 6.0 and later.
Can I get measured using my tablet or iPad?
We recommend getting measured with supported phone models for the best experience.
Tablets running the required operating systems will be able to run our app, however displays and processing speeds may vary.
I'm unable to complete a measurement. What can I do?
Please review the instructions carefully and check to make sure you are using a supported device. If you continue to have trouble please contact support.